Therapeutic Guide |
Therapeutic Guide - No cell, no organ, no system in entries in it self. Every cell, every organ, every system is dependent upon the rest of the organism for its functioning. The entries human organism, mind and body, function as a harmonious whole during health. And, as in health, even so illness, a human being is sick as a whole and not just in parts. The greatest of medical errors is to consider a disease state as a local entity, to speak of patient as “heart case” or a “kidney case” or a “liver case”. For any treatment to be really effective and lasting the patient must be consider in his her entirety. Only then can the physician hope to bring about the much equilibrium, the harmonious movement of prana within the human organism. The physician is once again advised that, beside the localization is once again to a particular diseased condition, it is important to take into consideration the totality of symptoms of the patient, especially in chronic conditions. After the case-taking and a proper clinical examination the physician will be in a better position to treat the patient constitutionally with magnet-therapy, by applying magnets simultaneously to the indicated regions of the body. Rediesthesia has frequently been made use of in preparing the following clinical index, which will prove to be a useful guide to the physician. Magnet Therapy can be used safely along with all other modes of treatment, especially homoeopathy. For the benefit of the physician mentioned in the following index :Index in here........