The Universe |
A certain of order runs through the whole of creation. As we look out of the window on a bright and clear day we see the glorious Sun, the cent-re of our solar system, around which Earth and the other planets revolve. At night, as we once more look up into the clear sky, we see a different scene; we see myriads of twinkling stars, looking like lovely little gems, scattered across the vast expanses of the dark night sky. Every little star is, in fact, a Sun, like our own, most of them far larger in size than our Sun. Our own solar system is a tiny part of millions of other solar system that go from our Milky Way Galaxy. Millions and millions of solar system make up the eighty-eight galaxies known to us; and our solar system is a mere drop in this vast ocean spread across the heavens. The galaxies nearest to us are over a hundred thousand light years away! And, to the naked eye, it all looks so placid, so still. But is it really so? This whole celestial set-up is in a state of perpetual motion, with these myriad solar systems zooming across the vast expanses of other space at incredible speed, speeds relative to one another. The entire cosmos moves as an organized whole. What is the force that prevents these heavenly bodies from crashing into one another? What is that force that keeps the plants of these millions of solar systems in their respective orbits? It is essential, electromagnetism (EM).
It will be interesting to note that the universe with the Sun at its centre and the planets revolving around it looks like gigantic atom. An atom, consequently, is like a miniature universe. And it is the interplanetary magnetic fields that hold sway over the Sun, maintaining order throughout the vast expanses of outer space. Outer space is thus permeated with a web of interacting EM waves which hold together the entire universe.
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